Get Certified – International

Why Should Your Company Get Certified?
- Diverse Powered Brands is actively working with Buyers and Supplier Diversity Procurement Managers looking for diverse brands to add to their growing portfolios, many of whom recommend certification.
- Certification is required by many companies that have dollars specifically allocated towards diverse owned, made or led brands in beverage alcohol.
- Getting certified not only signals to the consumer that your product is diverse, but it can also open significant doors with retailer partners and beverage alcohol buyers, thus supporting your growth in the marketplace.

WEConnect International Certification
WEConnect International is a global non-profit that helps women-owned businesses succeed in global value chains. WEConnect International identifies, educates, registers, and certifies women’s business enterprises that are at least 51% owned, managed, and controlled by one or more women, and then connects them with multinational corporate buyers.
WEConnect International members represent over $4 trillion in annual purchasing power and a deep commitment to supplier development and inclusive sourcing. The result is a network of member buyers working with women business owners based in over 135 countries that are learning, collaborating and winning billions of dollars in new business.
- Mission: WEConnect International helps drive money into the hands of women business owners by enabling them to compete in the global marketplace.
- Vision: A world in which women have the same opportunities as men to design and implement business solutions that create wealth and the sustainable prosperity of their communities.
- Their Work: WEConnect International connects member buyers to women-owned sellers globally, enhances their capabilities to transact business and instills confidence that sellers meet buyers’ standards for women-owned businesses.
Know of another international certifying body we should include in our list? Let us know!